Thursday, November 21, 2013

Playing in the Rain

I have known this young man since before he and Cody could walk. We met him shortly after moving to Solano in 2008 and at that time, his older brother and DJ were in a karate class together. Cody and this little man were still crawling and became instant friends.

A couple of years later, they were classmates in preschool and our families have enjoyed their friendship throughout these years.

I was excited to FINALLY get this little man in front of my camera!! It was 6 years in the making, but it happened.

Solano County Child Photography - Special Needs - Down Syndrome - Rolling Hills Park - Fairfield-7207

Friends, he didn’t disappoint! Smile 

Solano County Child Photography - Special Needs - Down Syndrome - Rolling Hills Park - Fairfield-7212

This sly, sweet smile is what I know him best for. I’d happily hand over a bag full of candy whenever he smiles at me like this.

Solano County Child Photography - Special Needs - Down Syndrome - Rolling Hills Park - Fairfield-7215

I adore this kid! OH this face!

Solano County Child Photography - Special Needs - Down Syndrome - Rolling Hills Park - Fairfield-7216

Big brother was there to help guide the session. He helped entertain his little brother and had music at the ready.

I love the tenderness of this next photo!!!! This isn’t a rare sight between these brothers. Little man has a pretty awesome caring big brother! 

Solano County Child Photography - Special Needs - Down Syndrome - Rolling Hills Park - Fairfield-7219

I wasn’t as amusing to little man as the music. Go figure. Winking smile

Solano County Child Photography - Special Needs - Down Syndrome - Rolling Hills Park - Fairfield-7229


In true boy fashion, mud found its way into the session. Rain + mud + boy =

Solano County Child Photography - Special Needs - Down Syndrome - Rolling Hills Park - Fairfield-7256

I just love that photo above. THAT is his personality. Playful, funny, and always ready for fun!

Solano County Child Photography - Special Needs - Down Syndrome - Rolling Hills Park - Fairfield-7253

As we wrapped up the session, the rain began to fall so the boys popped up their umbrella. 

How sweet are they?????

Solano County Child Photography - Special Needs - Down Syndrome - Rolling Hills Park - Fairfield-7272

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok so these are my kids Elias and Gabriel. This photo of two under an umbrella captures their relationship in a snapshot. Gabriel is the older brother always looking out for Elias, trying to protect him, nurturing him, and sharing guidance as they walk along life's path. Both my kids love the rain, feeling the coolness, hearing the drops, and cuddling up together. Thank you Michelle for capturing such a tender moment. This is a picture that helps love shine through in the same manner the sun rises every morning, both warming our heart and soul. Both demonstrating that that we all have the same needs to be loved and accepted without any explanation. Thank you - Virginia