Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Fun | Silveyville Pumpkin Patch, Dixon, CA

One of the things I missed out here while we were gone is the variety of Pumpkin Patches. We were used to the parking lot pumpkin patches of San Diego and were quite content with them. In fact, we preferred them.

Then, when we were away from Solano last fall, we missed them. We actually missed the get-muddy-pick-your-own-pumpkin-from-the-ground type Pumpkin Patch.

I was excited (even more excited than the kids) to visit the Silveyville Pumpkin Patch this fall! This was our first time there for their Pumpkin Patch. We had visited before during Christmas and loved it so we were excited to check it out during the Fall.

It did not disappoint!

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Pumpkin after glorious, funky shaped, colorful pumpkins greeted us!

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Cody wants you to know that this place is #1!

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DJ enjoyed riding the “horses”.

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We rode the “Clydesdale” pulled wagon. I think the adults enjoyed it more than the kids.

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Along the path, we saw scarecrows hidden in the Christmas trees and…

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….the park that housed the ducks.

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Along the path was the pumpkin field with tons of pumpkins. Tons!

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There was also an endless amount of farm animals! Smile

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This was our favorite site! Smile

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The kids picked out pumpkins to paint. They concentrated hard on their pumpkin painting!


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