On October 1st, I stalked my front door.
I felt like a kid waking up the morning of their birthday.
With every rev of a car, I was peeking at my front door to see if the infamous brown truck was here to deliver my long awaited package.
When the doorbell finally rang, I sprinted to the door and ripped open the package to find this:
Me Ra Koh’s sequel to Your Baby in Pictures, Your Child in Pictures, was JUST released and in my anxious little hands!
Not only was I awaiting this book because Me Ra does a great way of breaking down photography so parents can become their child’s own paparazzi, BUT I had the honor of being a part of it!!
Last fall, Me Ra had done a callout for parents and photographers to submit their photos for inclusion in the upcoming Your Child in Pictures book. Being a devout Me Ra follower, I submitted a few photos.
I was overly eager to share my photos of children with special needs for her section on photographing children with special needs.
I was BEYOND ecstatic when I received an email asking if I would share some tips on photographing children with special needs. Um…heck ya I was going to share!
When the book came last week, I was in tears reading my tips in black and white. Yes folks, some of my tips made it into the book!!!
Insert my happy dance that includes the running man AND the cabbage patch at the same time!
Once I stopped dancing, I turned a couple more pages to find myself in tears as I stared at one of my photos staring right back at me.
And right beside it was my name…twice…in black and white…in a book…authored by a best selling author…whom I web stalk on a regular basis…
I am so honored and proud to have been a part of this chapter in this book.
I sat there reading it with tear-filled eyes.
As I read it in its entirety, I no longer cried from excitement of being included.
I was crying because Me Ra thought to include a topic that so few photography books discuss – photographing your child with special needs.
She was bringing it to light. THANK YOU ME RA!
It was a topic I had discussed multiple times with parents that were desperate to have at least one photo of their child showing their personality, looking at the camera, or participating in a family photo session.
This chapter breaks it down to make it a stress-free experience for both parents and children.
Not only do I think this book is a must-have for parents of children with special needs, but it is a great book to have on hand for parents of children between the ages of 2 and 10.
For most parents, after about 3 years old, you find yourself slowing down on photographing your child. Many times, they no longer want you chasing them around taking pictures at every event.
This book provides ideas for photographing your child throughout their many stages of life.
Because I think this is a “MUST HAVE”, I want to gift one of our readers with their own copy of Your Child in Pictures!
Use the Rafflecopter entry form below to enter! Good luck!
The giveaway starts today and ends on Monday, 10/14.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
my daughter with autism does not look at the camera, her eyes shift and you only see the "whites of her eyes"
I love to document my 2 year old grandson, but as you can imagine, he's a constant whirl of activity, rushing from one thing to the next. I'd like to learn how to get more creative candids of him, as well as better posed photos as well.
Congrats on having photos in MeRa's book! What an honor! I'm a MeRa Koh follower too and I love her photography books. Oh, and I must say that I love that you specialize in photographing children with special needs! What a blessing you are to your community! I love your work :)
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