Thursday, May 26, 2011

Model in the Making–Part Deux

For the outdoor portrait session for Little Miss L we headed to Rush Ranch in Suisun City. This location is gorgeous and full of perfect portrait backgrounds.

There was a wedding at the Ranch that day so we had limited options, but we still worked it.

Lucky for us, the cows weren’t out to pasture so we were able to use the field without worried about getting mobbed by a herd. (We did have to watch our step VERY carefully, though!)

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Rush Ranch, Suisun (1 of 2)

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Rush Ranch, Suisun (2 of 2)

There is just something about a rustic fence that I just can’t pass up.

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Rush Ranch, Suisun (2 of 14)

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Rush Ranch, Suisun (3 of 14)

One of my favorite things at Rush Ranch is the long entrance road. The wind was blowing pretty good that day (Suisun does mean “ways of the west winds” after all) so she got to experience wind-blown hair – model style!

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Rush Ranch, Suisun (4 of 14)

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Rush Ranch, Suisun (6 of 14)

Sometimes,the oddest places make a great setting. She was standing inside the water tank thing (is there an official name for that?).

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Rush Ranch, Suisun (8 of 14)

Even through the wind, the distracting smell of delicious BBQ and the sound of music reminiscent of Father of the Bride, Little Miss L was an awesome model!

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Rush Ranch, Suisun (9 of 14)

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Rush Ranch, Suisun (10 of 14)

Isn’t she adorable?

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Rush Ranch, Suisun (11 of 14)

Even the horse (his name escapes me) couldn’t help but strike a pose!

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Rush Ranch, Suisun (13 of 14)

The barn’s doors and the post in front of it were such opportune locations for posing!

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Rush Ranch, Suisun (14 of 14)

Again, thank you Miss L for being a great little model and for working it in front of the camera! Don’t forget to introduce me to JB when you make it big! ;)

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