I don't have the typical "I've been in love with photography since I was a kid" story. I am what you would call an accidental photographer. I didn't find photography, it found me.
After years of going to photography studios and my son crying or giving that deer-in-the-headlights expression, I opted to start taking pictures of him myself. My home-faux-studio began and from there what started out as taking pictures of my own children turned into a full blown photography business in 2008.
2 years later (2010) I am a amazed at what the business has become for me both professionally and personally. It has been a true blessing for me and enjoy every minute of it.
2010 also brought upon the realizing that photography was more than just pictures, but a means to show the true beauty of everyone. It was with this realization that I made the decision to specialize in the photography of children and adults with special needs.
So often, society looks at people based on their diagnosis and as a mother of a child with Down Syndrome, I KNOW that there is so much more to people than their diagnosis or disability. Through photography, I want to show the world the beauty of each person and help them see beyond the medical defintion of a diagnosis. I want them to see the beauty and love that emits from these beautiful children and adults.
I hope you enjoy the journey that this new endeavor takes us....
- A mom to two boys that keep me on my toes
- A wife to a husband that supports my adventures, no matter what they may be or how far out there they are
- A music lover - nothing beats the 80's! If I could still wear pink parachute pants with an off-the-shoulder hot pink shirt, I would!
- The person that is usually walking around smiling - it's just easier than trying to look mean or sad
- A Geek - armed with a degree in Computer Science, I can geek out over a new electronic gadget like it's nobody's business!
- The loud girl - my husband think I am yelling, but I'm just expressive in my tone :)
- Silly - I don't mind being silly - especially around kids
- The odd one that LOVES to do laundry - it's my favorite chore!
- A dance-a-holic - I wanted to be on Solid Gold, but I was convinced they wouldn't hire me for being short
- Vertically challenged - 4'11" - short, but sweet! :)
- A girl that wears my heart on my sleeve - I cry when I'm happy, sad, mad
- Addicted to Oprah - I want to be in her audience or even a guest!!!
- One who loves to cook - Food Network is one of my favorite channels
- A teeny bopper - I will eternally be one - NKOTB forever! :) LOL
- A science-enthusiast. I took all the sciences in college more than once because I liked them (except for Physics - BLAH). Anatomy was definitely my favorite!!!
- A karaoke-queen - I challenge you to beat my 90ish score singing Air Supply! :)
- A scrapbooker - more of a collector of anything scrapbooking, but I do occassionally get pages done!!!
- One who never considered myself an artist (stick figures is my expertise), but somehow found my artistic voice in photography