Thursday, September 16, 2010

Turning 10

Last week, I had the opportunity photograph a not-so-little-anymore boy that was full of spunk, smiles and the camera loved him.

His mom had won the Portrait Session Giveaway a few months back and she wanted to use the session to commemorate his 10th birthday.

We headed to Andrews Park in Vacaville and had such a great time. This little man worked the camera and amazed me with his calm in front of the camera.

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Andrews Park, Vacaville (1 of 9)

Not photo-coaching was needed. He turned the smile on once the shutter starting clicking! What I loved most is that his smiles were genuine each time (except, of course, for the few when he intentionally made funny faces at me – S’s mom, I’m giving those to you for use later (aka first date).heehee)

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Andrews Park, Vacaville (2 of 9)

I had been to Andrews Park before, but didn’t explore it like I did with this family. I didn’t even know there was a little waterfall there! 

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Andrews Park, Vacaville (3 of 9)

S knew were all the cool spots were at the park and came up with his own poses. He’s a nat-u-ral!

 Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Andrews Park, Vacaville (4 of 9)

Zac Efron has nothing on him!

 Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Andrews Park, Vacaville (5 of 9) Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Andrews Park, Vacaville (6 of 9)

Solano County Child Portrait Photography - Andrews Park, Vacaville (7 of 9)

Happy 10th birthday, S! I hope your birthday was memorable!! Thanks for being such a great sport about your portrait session and making it easy to get some great shots for your mom!  

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