Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tip Tuesday - Embrace the Blur

If your first instinct is to delete blurry images then STOP!!! :)

I used to always delete images from my camera if I thought they were too blurry. Then one day, in my haste I had left the blurry images on the camera then downloaded them. To my surprise, I loved some of the images. They had an artistic appearance.

Here are some “blurry” images from my most recent session (more images to come this week!).

In this first one, the blur adds to the expressiveness of her crying.


Sometimes blurring can add a dreamy feel….


Photograph your child zooming past you on his bike. Don’t worry about focusing, just snap the shot. It will add motion to the image.

The next time you want to discard an image because it appears blurry on your camera’s screen, don’t hit the delete button. Download the image and you never know, you might just love it!!!!

Whether you mean for them to be blurry or not, pass them off as you being artistic!!! No one has to know! ;)

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