Friday, October 4, 2013

When People Stare… (Down Syndrome Awareness Month)

I see the stares.

It comes from both adults and children.

They used to bother me.

A lot.

Sometimes, they still do.

When someone starts staring too long, I often say “hi” to break their stare.

For many, they stop staring and walk away.

For some, it is like they had been waiting for an invitation to approach us.

For those that stare without saying a word, I know you’re curious. I was curious before, too.

When he speaks, you might not understand him. Most of the time, we do, but sometimes it is difficult for us (his parents) to comprehend his words.

He wears glasses when many of your friends his age probably aren’t wearing glasses. That’s not his fault. He inherited that from both his parents.

He has an unbalanced sway in his walk. Most with swagger do. ;)

MRS Photography 2013-4388

He doesn’t always look you in the eye when he’s talking to you. Don’t mistake this as a sign of not being confident.

He walks a little slower. That’s because he is curious about his surroundings and often appreciates the things that I too quickly walk by and don’t notice. He is my reminder to slow down and enjoy moments.


If you are curious, don’t be scared to ask me questions. I don’t mind.  I would rather you know about him instead of form your own conclusion about him.

He’s kind of an awesome kid.  I don’t want you missing out on that.

For those that accept our invitation to talk to us, thank you.

Most of the time, you have a family member with Down syndrome and cannot wait to tell us about him/her. We LOVE that!

Sometimes, you are an educator with a heart for children with special needs. We adore you!

Sometimes, you are just someone that wants to talk to Cody and pamper him with smiles. You…especially you…THANK YOU!


Pam Jam's Place said...

What a loving commentary you have posted to open a dialog for people who are curious, yet maybe embarrassed by their curiosity. I can't wait to meet your beautiful son!!

Marilyn Barker said...

Well Said Michelle!!

Wendy Wolfe said...

Awesome Michelle! So well said! I feel very honored to know you and have an opportunity to know more about Cody! Thank you for sharing him with us