Friday, August 19, 2011

A Pause in Portrait Sessions

If there is one thing I have a difficult time doing it is sitting still. There is just something about not being able to do daily tasks that makes me uncomfortable. The thought of not being able to do what I want to do gives me anxiety. The thought of not being able to do my normal activity for 6-8 weeks is driving me CRAZY!

So why am I jabbering on and what does any of that have to do with my blog title, you ask?

Winking smile

Next Friday I will be having surgery on my right shoulder. YUCK!

I have avoided this surgery for 2 years now, but now I am to the point of pain that I have to have the surgery done.

Unfortunately, SLR cameras are designed with the shutter button on the right side of the camera.  And although my husband has offered to hold the camera for me during portrait sessions (bless his heart), there will be a slight pause in my scheduling of portrait sessions.

I am hopeful for a mid-October return!!!!

If you are interested in getting a head start on your fall portrait session planning, please feel free to contact me to schedule your session!


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