Friday, October 15, 2010

Down Syndrome Fact Friday – Questions?

Because it is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, I want to give you the opportunity to ask me anything you want about Cody or raising him.  Feel free to leave a question in the “Comments” section and I will be happy to answer it.


Here are some questions and my responses to questions I have been asked before:

Did you know Cody had Down Syndrome before he was born?

Yes. We found out about his diagnosis when I was 5 months pregnant. I share our story on a previous post titled “Did you know?”

Do you know what caused Cody to have Down Syndrome?

No. As soon as we found out about the diagnosis, we were sent to a geneticist to discuss what Trisomy 21 is. There are no known reasons as to why the anomaly occurs.

Before Cody’s diagnosis, the only thing I really (thought) I knew about Down Syndrome is that it was likely to occur when a mother was 35 years old or over when she became pregnant. I was only 32. I also know someone as young as 18 that has a child with Down Syndrome so age alone is not a factor as I previously had thought.

Is there a way to prevent Down Syndrome?

From what I know, because there are no known reasons for the anomaly, there is not a way to prevent it.

Why did you start Cody in preschool at such a young age?

Believe me, I was VERY hesitant to start him at preschool at 2 years old. He was just a baby (MY BABY!) and I cried for days before he actually started school. BUT I knew that starting school would not be only be good socially for him, but also developmentally. He would have an opportunity to interact with other children ( both with and without delays) and from what I already knew about DJ, children like to mimic their peers.

Sure, I missed him terribly while he was in school (if I was able to leave at all, that is), but the payoff of him growing physically, educationally and developmentally was worth the tears of missing him.

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