Friday, October 22, 2010

A Beautiful Day in Burlingame

Amidst all the heat the last few weeks, the sun picked a perfect day to not beat down on us. A couple of weeks ago, I met with a fun family at a park in Burlingame.  The playground was full of children at play, but the park was full of trees and beautiful greenery locations that were for the most part empty! YAY for us!

You all know by now that I enjoy watching the dynamics between parents and children during a portrait session. The relationship between them always unfolds as the session progresses. You see the love the parents have for their child, the child’s admiration towards a parent and the playfulness that keeps the family smiling.

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You can tell by the sparkles in their eyes and the way they hold him close that their son is their joy.

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Little man took some quality photo time with each parent…

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…then it was time to do what a child must do when climbable trees are around. (From my experience with my own Tarzan Boy, I am convinced that trees serve no other purpose in a park other than to be climbed by fun-seeking children. :)   )

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I enjoyed that little man J was such a willing participate during the portrait session. :) He was able to transition from play mode to photo mode in seconds and could whip up an adorable smile for me every time!

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