Our first photographer spotlight is Patty Reiser! I “met” Patty through the Soar contest earlier this year. The sisterhood that formed from the contest has been amazing. So many friendships have been formed as well as support and awesome feedback!
Without further ado, I introduce to you Patty Reiser!
1. How long have you enjoyed photography?
For as long as I can remember. As a child, I remember spending hours in front of our bookshelf going through all the family albums. I loved being able to relive those moments over and over again. Then I got my first camera, a Kodak 110 Instamatic. I took as many pictures as my parents could afford to develop.
2. Do you have a photography business or are you an enthusiast? If you have a business, please share your website and/or blog.
I am in the process of “officially” launching my photography business, PK Photography aka Patricia Knight Photography. It won’t be official until I get married in October and can legally adopt “Knight” as my new last name. I do already have a website, PK Photography and a blog as well http://pkphotographyblog.us
3. What is your favorite subject to photograph and why?
Just one subject? I have more than one. :) My children, obviously. They are only young once and they experience so many “firsts” during that time. I also love to photograph landscapes. The natural beauty that is all around us can be breathtaking if captured in the right light. I also have a fascination with fallen or dead trees. The twisted limbs, the texture of the bark. It all tells a unique story.
4. Define your photography style
Honestly, I’m still trying to figure out my style. One thing I do know is that I like color and contrast and try to capture that when I compose my photographs. And I prefer the more candid moments to the posed ones.
5. What does photography mean to you? Is it a passion? A Freedom? Etc?
Photography is definitely a passion for me. One that was intensified after the sudden death of my first husband. He died when our daughter was barely 10 weeks old. We were so busy being first time parents that we never got a family portrait together. And that’s a moment in time I can never get back.
6. If you could photography any one person or place, who/what would it be?
I would have loved to have met and photographed Audrey Hepburn. She was such a beautiful person inside and out.
7. What is in your camera bag?
I have a Canon Rebel Ti1 camera with battery grip and two lenses: Canon 28-105mm Lens and a Canon 18-55mm Lens. Camera Strap by Heyday Fashions. 5-in-1 Reflector; Remote Release Trigger; 4 memory cards; Cleaning cloths and sensor cleaning pen; Photographer’s Log and Reference Guide; my camera manual; and my trusty tripod.
8. What is your MUST HAVE camera gear at the moment?
I just rented the Tamron 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II Macro Zoom lens to take with me on vacation and I absolutely loved it. This is now on the top of my Wish List. I would love to upgrade my tripod to a Manfrotto tripod with the midi ball head system. A Sekonic Light Meter is another must have. I would also love to get the LitePanels LP micro compact LED camera light. And eventually two more Tamron Lenses: 90mm Macro and the 14mm wide angle for landscapes.
9. If money was not an object, what camera gear would you purchase right now?
I would definitely upgrade to the Canon EOS 1D Mark IV DSLR. And then everything on my wish list. And then I would purchase a few acres of land to create my own indoor and outdoor studio.
10. Please share 3 of your favorite images that you have captured and state why they are your favorite
The Marine. I love this image of Chris, a Marine I had the honor of photographing last holiday season. He was retiring from the military and wanted one really good portrait of himself in uniform to give to his mother for Christmas. He really wanted to have the American Flag in the background so I took his photograph with a neutral background and then placed him in front of the flag utilizing Photoshop. He was really pleased with the final image as was his mother.
Homecoming 2009. I could not have asked for a more perfect backdrop the night of my daughter’s Homecoming Dance.
Branching Out in the Sunrise. While on vacation last month, I took over 1,200 photos of Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks. And while these natural wonders were amazing to photograph, this photograph of the leafless Bristlecone Pine tree in the sunrise was my favorite.
11. Anything else you want to share with us?
I just want to thank all of the photographers who came before me and who have been generous with their time and their knowledge. The Photography Community at large has been wonderful in accepting of those just now entering the industry and are so willing to share their expertise. It’s because of them that I believe in “Paying it Forward” and vow to share my knowledge and time whenever possible. And I could not have gotten where I am without the love and support from my family, friends and the members of the online communities I am a part of.
THANK YOU, PATTY, for sharing with us! Congratulations on your new business and I look forward to watching you grow!!!
Thank you Michelle and I am deeply honored to be your first Spotlight Photographer. Feels a little weird since I am usually the one behind the scenes, not in the spotlight.
The SOAR! Community has been a very inspirational source of creativity and support this past year. I am so grateful for the chance to meet other photographers like yourself. I have definitely enjoyed this journey with you.
Celebrate Life and Capture It!
Greetings from rural Australia.
I met Patty in June 2009 in Cyberspace and her photographs always have that WOW! factor.
She deserves to be in the photography spotlight. And like good wine, will only get better with age.
She's a photographer on an upward trajectory because she has an excellent eye for composition. And a sensitive soul.
It's a pleasure to be able to post this about Patty.
All the best,
Hi Carol!
Thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving such a beautiful comment about Patty!!
I only know Patty through the online Soar! Community, but have enjoyed following her and her new business! =)
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