Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Almost 3 and Independent! – Special Needs/Down Syndrome Photography

I met this little cutie last year at our Down Syndrome Support Group. She is 9 months younger than Cody and I have been hoping that when she turns 3 she will be in Cody’s preschool class (I am still hoping – fingers crossed!!!).

During the portrait session, adorable L called the shots. :) I loved her independence! She let me know when she was ready to wander around, but courteously sat when I asked her to. She quietly chatted to herself while absorbing her surroundings. I would have loved to see things through her eyes. She was enjoying everything around her.

For this age group, I like to just follow the child’s lead and try not to instruct them too much on poses. They have a great ability to come up with cute expressions and poses all on their own. Adorable L needed no guidance. She casually posed on the bench all by herself and isn’t this adorable?


She has the most sincere expressions.


She is THIS BIG!!!!


PUDDLES! What is a puddle if you can’t enjoy jumping in it, right? Adorable L hit every puddle we found. LOVE IT!

Doesn’t the length of her hair just blow you away? She is not quite 3 yet and her hair is to her waist! I seriously have hair envy every time I see it!!!!!




(See more of Adorable L on MRS Photography’s Facebook Fan Page)

Thank you Adorable L for allowing me to follow you around with my camera in tow. You are such a great sport and I love your curiosity and independence! I hope to see you in Cody’s class!!!!!! ;)


atorgesen said...

Really wonderful pictures - I love the one "This big". For my almost 3 year old - he's definately noticing that he's getting bigger and goes back and forth between "big boy" and "little boy".

Kim Chodorowski said...

What fantastic photos! I love how you captured her personality so looks like she must have been a blast to photography!! Great work :)