Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Glamour Session – Teri

There are so many moments in a women’s life when we judge ourselves too much. I know I do it too often. Daily sometimes.

We judge our looks more than anything – I need to lose weight, I wish I looked the way I looked 10 years ago, Oh no – a zit, my hair isn’t cooperating today. That is some of the dialogue that goes through my own head.

How often do we find the reason to pretty ourselves up for no reason just to feel good about ourselves? I think women need to do it more often. We need to see what others see in us and not be so hard on ourselves.

Lately, quite a number of my friends are going through life-changing moments in their lives. Some good, some bad. Some are just self-conscious. I have been wanting to do something for them to feel better about themselves. Something to let them see they are as beautiful on the inside and the OUTSIDE.

Then I realized I have a camera! That was the birth of the “Glamour” Sessions (AKA Feel good about your self session).

I have asked a few friends and family members to do “practice” sessions with me and my brother’s girlfriend, Teri, was the first to say yes and schedule a session.

As a photographer, nothing is more honoring than someone you photograph crying in disbelief that the beautiful person they see in the portrait is them.





I want to be able to help other women feel this GREAT about themselves!

Would you like to schedule your own Glamour session? An album with your portraits would make a great gift for your significant other! =)

Stay tuned for news on earning a FREE Glamour Session with Glamour Gals parties! In a nutshell, it is an opportunity to get your gal pals together for a fun night of makeup, hair, pretty clothes and pictures!!!!!!

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