Friday, February 20, 2009

More Monterey

I have officially fallen in love with Monterey. I could get used to this place! I think we all could. And to think I turned down a position to relocate here working at NPGS years ago. What was I thinking????

We drove around today and found a beautiful strip of beautiful trees along the beach.

The same bribe was practiced today – if mommy gets to take your picture…then you get to enjoy the aquarium as long as you want later. =)

They were oh so cooperative.


I employed the “fake laugh” technique that I heard Me Ra Koh discuss. Cody took it to heart and couldn’t stop laughing. =)


Aren’t they cute sitting together enjoying the waves? In reality, Cody is kind of yelling because DJ has one arm behind him and the other in front of him. Cody didn’t appreciate being held in lockdown position. =)


This is one of my new favorite pictures. I think I am going to get it enlarged and display it in the house. =) I just haven’t decided if I like the black and white or color one better.



I couldn’t figure out why Cody kept pointing while I was taking their picture. Then I turned around and figured out why. He was saying…


“Look at that HUGE wave!”



DJ just loves the outdoors. He definitely takes after his father. =)



After walking around town to window shop, we finally headed to the aquarium. DJ had 2 priorities:



and the octopus…he was in that same position when we were there yesterday.


The octopus picture was a real challenge for me. It was really dark in there and I had to bump up to ISO 1600. It would not have been so bad if the octopus wasn’t camouflaged into the rock. =)

We have to say goodbye to Monterey tomorrow! =( The great part about tomorrow is that hubby does not have to work so he will get to enjoy the day with us before heading home.

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