If you have never seen a Gina Alexander handbag, you are in for a treat! These handbags are carried by "normal" moms (myself included) and celebrities alike! Take a look inside any celebrity magazine and you may see a celebrity or 2 sporting a Gina Alexander. Robin McGraw, Kelly Ripa and Oprah (no last name needed) have their own personalized Gina Alexander handbags. Where's yours??? :)
These are a couple of handbags I had created a few years ago (wristlet and Fairfax styles) and I LOVE them.
The above handbags I purchased when DJ was 2 years old. Now that I have another son and a ton more pictures, I had to order new handbags with updated pictures! I can't wait to share them with you!
I am anxiously awaiting their arrival!!!! They take about 4-6 weeks to arrive. I am going on week 2 so I have 2 more weeks of countdown to go! It's like waiting for the birth of a baby - I am anxious! LOL :)
With the Gina Alexander handbag with the portrait of your choice, it is highly likely you will be stopped and told "You're bag is beautiful!!! Where did you get it?" :)
If you are interested in having one of your MRS Photography images made into a beautiful Gina Alexander please feel free to contact me. I am offering prices significantly lower than those offered on her site!!!
With bags starting at $55 there is something for every budget! :)
These handbags are also perfect for Holiday gifts for relatives and grandparents so feel free to order more than one!
If you are interested in purchasing your own Gina Alexander handbag through MRS Photography, but haven't scheduled your session yet, what are you waiting for???? Contact me to schedule your own session - mrsphotography@gmail.com.
Stay tuned for special Gina Alexander Memory Sessions! What is a Gina Alexander Memory Session? It is a session without a sitting fee. The only requirement is a purchase of one of the Gina Alexander handbags! Stay tuned for more details!!!!
For details on the handbags and our catalog, click on the following links (it is a 3 page catalog):
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